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Lets Talk...

Mills Morgan Mediation

Embarking on a legal process isn’t always the best way to deal with a family matter, especially if you have children. We also believe that families should be given a choice about how they can resolve their differences..

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Mills Morgan Mediation

Are you willing to try and work through your differences with your former partner? If so, Family Mediation provides a structured framework within which you can take ownership of your future and find solutions to get on with your life. 


Our Family Mediator can help you make decisions together about issues relating to parenting, property and money.


Family Mediation is an out-of-court solution which is; 


  • Less confrontational 

  • More cost effective 

  • Quicker than going to court


It’s not surprising, therefore, that Family Mediation is fast becoming the preferred method for families to resolve and minimise disputes.


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Mills Morgan Mediation


Contact Me

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Anna Mills Morgan 

26 St Asaph Business Park 

St Asaph 


LL17 0LJ

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